Structures and Algorithm
List of Assignments :
1. Write a program to perform Set operations - Union, Intersection, Difference, Symmetric Difference etc.
2. Write a program to perform various string operations such as Copy, Length,Reversing, Palindrome, Concatenation and to find occurrence substring etc withand without using library functions.
Write a program to perform operations on matrices like addition, multiplication,saddle point, magic square ,inverse & transpose etc using functions & pointers.[Minimum 4 operations]
4. Write a program to perform following operations on any database: Add, Delete,Modify, Display, Search & Sort etc.
Implement Sorting Methods using functions- Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Shell Sort.
Represent polynomial using structures and write a menu driven program to perform Addition, Multiplication and Evaluation.
Write a menu driven program to perform following operations on SLL/CDLL : Create, Insert – Start, end, between, Search & delete, Reverse ,Display etc.
11. Create two Singly Linked lists, sort one after creation and one while creation using Pointer manipulation. Merge these two lists into one list without creating a new node or swapping of the data.
12. Represent a polynomial using Circular Linked List and write a menu driven program to perform Addition, Multiplication and Evaluation.
13. Implement Stack as an ADT using Array. Use this ADT to perform expression conversion and evaluation (infix to postfix, infix to prefix, prefix to infix, prefix to postfix, postfix to infix and postfix to prefix).
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